第8回「内浦海水浴場案内。」 2005.08.11 Matsumoto Keizi.






■ 内浦海水浴場。












■ コンビニもアルヨ。







■ 食べ物屋さんも充実。

■ 磯料理 あみもと

■ ら〜めんタロー

■ 中華料理 沙羅

■ お食事処 千家

■ 磯料理 味久

■ 食事処 いいとこ


■ 駐車場はコチラです。









■ こみなと(鴨川市)イベント情報。

日時 イベント名(場所) 開催地区
14(日) 午前11:00 バナナボートロデオ(前原海岸) 鴨川地区
14(日) 午後1:00 ちびっ子宝探し(江見海水浴場) 鴨川地区
14(日) 午後6:00 吉尾ふるさと芸能祭(吉尾小学校) 鴨川地区
14(日) 午後6:00 夏の盆踊り大会(江見小学校) 鴨川地区
14(日) 午後7:00 小湊すもう大会子供の部(小湊漁港) 小湊地区
15(月) 午後9:00 小湊すもう大会大人の部(小湊漁港) 小湊地区
16(火) 午後7:30 小湊納涼花火大会(内浦湾) 小湊地区
※詳しくは鴨川市観光協会 04-7092-0086にお問い合わせください。


14(日) 午後7:00 小湊すもう大会子供の部(小湊漁港) 小湊地区
15(月) 午後9:00 小湊すもう大会大人の部(小湊漁港) 小湊地区
16(火) 午後7:30 小湊納涼花火大会(内浦湾) 小湊地区


■ まとめ。






なにトラウマ植え付けてるんだよ!!_| ̄|○

とか思ったりする。でも、海が好きヽ(´ー`)ノ 。





■ 一行コメント。
2024.08.01-21:53:44 [ 'uejeAlYtaLnH ]
2024.08.01-21:53:26 [ %2c)).'%2c..") ]
2024.08.01-21:52:35 'tbkMYkfZAHZF [ ]
2024.08.01-21:52:16 )"%2c'))%2c..( [ ]
2024.08.01-21:51:59 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:47:31 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:47:19 [ (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6311=6311) THEN '' ELSE (SELECT 5863 UNION SELECT 9520) END)) ]
2024.07.31-04:47:02 [ (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3051=3860) THEN '' ELSE (SELECT 3860 UNION SELECT 8985) END)) ]
2024.07.31-04:46:51 [ AND 8339 BETWEEN 8339 AND 8339-- pdIg ]
2024.07.31-04:46:33 [ AND 7486 BETWEEN 9953 AND 9953-- Hjdt ]
2024.07.31-04:46:23 [ ' AND 8339=8339 AND 'wBcb'='wBcb ]
2024.07.31-04:46:05 [ ' AND 7455=6426 AND 'rNnn'='rNnn ]
2024.07.31-04:45:55 [ ') AND 8339=8339 AND ('HjCl'='HjCl ]
2024.07.31-04:45:36 [ ') AND 2712=2925 AND ('Ljtr'='Ljtr ]
2024.07.31-04:45:26 [ AND 8339 BETWEEN 8339 AND 8339 ]
2024.07.31-04:45:07 [ AND 7155 BETWEEN 4289 AND 4289 ]
2024.07.31-04:44:57 [ ) AND 8339=8339 AND (9918 BETWEEN 9918 AND 9918 ]
2024.07.31-04:44:39 [ ) AND 3482=5750 AND (8022 BETWEEN 8022 AND 8022 ]
2024.07.31-04:44:29 [ %2c.()%2c"(.)' ]
2024.07.31-04:44:21 [ 1410 ]
2024.07.31-04:44:11 (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9139=9139) THEN '' ELSE (SELECT 8595 UNION SELECT 5205) END)) [ ]
2024.07.31-04:43:54 (SELECT (CASE WHEN (3148=7006) THEN '' ELSE (SELECT 7006 UNION SELECT 5983) END)) [ ]
2024.07.31-04:43:44 AND 4580 BETWEEN 4580 AND 4580-- LdUP [ ]
2024.07.31-04:43:25 AND 9695 BETWEEN 3123 AND 3123-- YXWq [ ]
2024.07.31-04:43:15 ' AND 4580=4580 AND 'DXFD'='DXFD [ ]
2024.07.31-04:42:56 ' AND 5487=7760 AND 'zlsK'='zlsK [ ]
2024.07.31-04:42:45 ') AND 4580=4580 AND ('IFai'='IFai [ ]
2024.07.31-04:42:27 ') AND 4154=4487 AND ('bNkm'='bNkm [ ]
2024.07.31-04:42:17 AND 4580 BETWEEN 4580 AND 4580 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:41:58 AND 6861 BETWEEN 7522 AND 7522 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:41:47 ) AND 4580=4580 AND (4945 BETWEEN 4945 AND 4945 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:41:28 ) AND 1300=9972 AND (5082 BETWEEN 5082 AND 5082 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:41:20 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:41:08 %2c)%2c....)"' [ ]
2024.07.31-04:41:00 5938 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:40:43 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:40:19 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:40:03 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:39:36 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:39:19 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:38:52 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:38:29 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:37:57 [ ]
2024.07.31-04:37:39 [ ]
2024.07.24-05:17:39 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:17:31 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:17:20 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:17:13 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:17:02 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:16:55 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:16:43 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:16:36 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:16:26 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:16:17 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:16:06 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:15:55 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:15:42 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:15:34 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:15:26 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:15:19 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:15:09 WWpN [ (sELECt/**/(CASe/**/WhEn/**/(4804=4804)/**/tHEn/**/0x4c657269/**/eLse/**/(sELECt/**/6507/**/unIoN/**/sELECt/**/9329)/**/ENd)) ]
2024.07.24-05:14:55 WWpN [ (SELecT/**/(cAsE/**/WHEn/**/(5745=3632)/**/ThEN/**/0x4c657269/**/ELse/**/(SELecT/**/3632/**/UniON/**/SELecT/**/1029)/**/ENd)) ]
2024.07.24-05:14:46 WWpN [ Leri/**/And/**/9514/**/BEtwEen/**/9514/**/And/**/9514--/**/PjaN ]
2024.07.24-05:14:33 WWpN [ Leri/**/anD/**/9027/**/BeTWeEn/**/9010/**/anD/**/9010--/**/ZsPQ ]
2024.07.24-05:14:25 WWpN [ Leri/**/aND/**/9514/**/bETWeen/**/9514/**/aND/**/9514 ]
2024.07.24-05:14:12 WWpN [ Leri/**/ANd/**/4610/**/BeTweeN/**/5328/**/ANd/**/5328 ]
2024.07.24-05:14:02 WWpN [ Leri)/**/ANd/**/9514=9514/**/ANd/**/(1321/**/bEtweEn/**/1321/**/ANd/**/1321 ]
2024.07.24-05:13:49 WWpN [ Leri)/**/ANd/**/5967=2799/**/ANd/**/(8237/**/beTWeEn/**/8237/**/ANd/**/8237 ]
2024.07.24-05:13:39 WWpN [ Leri'/**/AnD/**/9514=9514/**/AnD/**/'axAE'='axAE ]
2024.07.24-05:13:26 WWpN [ Leri'/**/anD/**/1506=9726/**/anD/**/'EtKS'='EtKS ]
2024.07.24-05:13:17 WWpN [ Leri')/**/aNd/**/9514=9514/**/aNd/**/('elnW'='elnW ]
2024.07.24-05:13:01 WWpN [ Leri')/**/aNd/**/1355=2840/**/aNd/**/('bXCu'='bXCu ]
2024.07.24-05:12:53 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:12:45 WWpN [ LERi((.%2c%2c(%2c".' ]
2024.07.24-05:12:37 WWpN [ 7339 ]
2024.07.24-05:12:27 (sEleCt/**/(CaSe/**/whEN/**/(1267=1267)/**/thEn/**/0x5757704e/**/ElsE/**/(sEleCt/**/9156/**/UNIon/**/sEleCt/**/6626)/**/eND)) [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:12:15 (sElEcT/**/(cAsE/**/whEN/**/(7102=7596)/**/THEn/**/0x5757704e/**/ElsE/**/(sElEcT/**/7596/**/uNiOn/**/sElEcT/**/7161)/**/EnD)) [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:12:05 WWpN/**/aND/**/2707/**/bEtWEEn/**/2707/**/aND/**/2707--/**/pIKx [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:11:52 WWpN/**/AnD/**/4978/**/betweEN/**/9162/**/AnD/**/9162--/**/Ngdh [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:11:44 WWpN/**/aND/**/2707/**/beTwEEn/**/2707/**/aND/**/2707 [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:11:29 WWpN/**/anD/**/2110/**/BeTWeEn/**/9172/**/anD/**/9172 [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:11:07 WWpN)/**/aND/**/2707=2707/**/aND/**/(7852/**/betWEEN/**/7852/**/aND/**/7852 [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:10:53 WWpN)/**/And/**/9702=4834/**/And/**/(3765/**/BETWeeN/**/3765/**/And/**/3765 [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:10:45 WWpN'/**/ANd/**/2707=2707/**/ANd/**/'HgpI'='HgpI [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:10:33 WWpN'/**/AnD/**/7031=7356/**/AnD/**/'KJoe'='KJoe [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:10:25 WWpN')/**/aND/**/2707=2707/**/aND/**/('iOCs'='iOCs [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:10:12 WWpN')/**/ANd/**/3931=4972/**/ANd/**/('RqXe'='RqXe [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:10:05 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:09:56 WWpN.')(.(".%2c( [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:09:49 7720 [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:09:42 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:09:24 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:09:12 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:08:54 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:08:41 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:08:26 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:08:13 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:07:54 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:07:39 WWpN [ Leri ]
2024.07.24-05:07:26 WWpN [ Leri ]
2022.10.15-10:41:03 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:40:46 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:40:23 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:40:07 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:39:43 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:39:27 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:39:02 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:38:45 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:38:21 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:38:04 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:37:40 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:37:22 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:36:58 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:36:42 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:36:21 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:36:05 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:35:47 xrgd [ (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4868=4868) THEN '' ELSE (SELECT 9614 UNION SELECT 9735) END)) ]
2022.10.15-10:35:22 xrgd [ (SELECT (CASE WHEN (9029=8071) THEN '' ELSE (SELECT 8071 UNION SELECT 7209) END)) ]
2022.10.15-10:35:04 xrgd [ AND 8533 BETWEEN 8533 AND 8533-- AJLy ]
2022.10.15-10:34:37 xrgd [ AND 2696 BETWEEN 4187 AND 4187-- ROLv ]
2022.10.15-10:34:18 xrgd [ ' AND 8533=8533 AND 'hMNA'='hMNA ]
2022.10.15-10:33:52 xrgd [ ' AND 3282=7935 AND 'ioTj'='ioTj ]
2022.10.15-10:33:34 xrgd [ ') AND 8533=8533 AND ('QzLd'='QzLd ]
2022.10.15-10:33:07 xrgd [ ') AND 5879=4405 AND ('DYdo'='DYdo ]
2022.10.15-10:32:47 xrgd [ AND 8533 BETWEEN 8533 AND 8533 ]
2022.10.15-10:32:21 xrgd [ AND 9627 BETWEEN 7164 AND 7164 ]
2022.10.15-10:32:03 xrgd [ ) AND 8533=8533 AND (2744 BETWEEN 2744 AND 2744 ]
2022.10.15-10:31:35 xrgd [ ) AND 3260=2296 AND (2978 BETWEEN 2978 AND 2978 ]
2022.10.15-10:31:19 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:31:03 xrgd [ ..%2c.)%2c(%2c'" ]
2022.10.15-10:30:47 xrgd [ 5432 ]
2022.10.15-10:30:28 (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4138=4138) THEN 'xrgd' ELSE (SELECT 2166 UNION SELECT 3022) END)) [ ]
2022.10.15-10:30:00 (SELECT (CASE WHEN (7368=4772) THEN 'xrgd' ELSE (SELECT 4772 UNION SELECT 5079) END)) [ ]
2022.10.15-10:29:42 xrgd AND 2715 BETWEEN 2715 AND 2715-- dYWn [ ]
2022.10.15-10:29:17 xrgd AND 5197 BETWEEN 1565 AND 1565-- Yxhf [ ]
2022.10.15-10:28:59 xrgd AND 2715 BETWEEN 2715 AND 2715 [ ]
2022.10.15-10:28:33 xrgd AND 6691 BETWEEN 4558 AND 4558 [ ]
2022.10.15-10:28:16 xrgd) AND 2715=2715 AND (2523 BETWEEN 2523 AND 2523 [ ]
2022.10.15-10:27:47 xrgd) AND 5481=4623 AND (2009 BETWEEN 2009 AND 2009 [ ]
2022.10.15-10:27:30 xrgd' AND 2715=2715 AND 'CDoC'='CDoC [ ]
2022.10.15-10:27:05 xrgd' AND 5308=3988 AND 'sufq'='sufq [ ]
2022.10.15-10:26:47 xrgd') AND 2715=2715 AND ('DkNl'='DkNl [ ]
2022.10.15-10:26:21 xrgd') AND 9256=6925 AND ('VZeE'='VZeE [ ]
2022.10.15-10:26:06 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:25:48 xrgd.')(%2c"(.%2c. [ ]
2022.10.15-10:25:33 1471 [ ]
2022.10.15-10:25:08 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:24:35 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:24:12 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:23:39 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:23:15 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:22:41 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:22:10 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:21:33 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-10:21:09 xrgd [ ]
2022.10.15-07:53:53 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:53:41 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:53:26 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:53:14 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:53:00 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:52:49 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:52:35 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:52:25 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:52:11 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:52:00 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:51:48 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:51:38 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:51:25 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:51:15 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:51:04 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:50:54 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:50:42 zOWc [ (SELECT (CASE WHEN (8189=8189) THEN '' ELSE (SELECT 8266 UNION SELECT 1297) END)) ]
2022.10.15-07:50:30 zOWc [ (SELECT (CASE WHEN (6847=9634) THEN '' ELSE (SELECT 9634 UNION SELECT 8756) END)) ]
2022.10.15-07:50:19 zOWc [ AND 6196 BETWEEN 6196 AND 6196-- KPNl ]
2022.10.15-07:50:06 zOWc [ AND 3104 BETWEEN 7444 AND 7444-- tEQa ]
2022.10.15-07:49:54 zOWc [ ' AND 6196=6196 AND 'Epzn'='Epzn ]
2022.10.15-07:49:41 zOWc [ ' AND 6815=5211 AND 'tkyM'='tkyM ]
2022.10.15-07:49:30 zOWc [ ') AND 6196=6196 AND ('ayMF'='ayMF ]
2022.10.15-07:49:16 zOWc [ ') AND 8477=7733 AND ('tbNA'='tbNA ]
2022.10.15-07:49:05 zOWc [ AND 6196 BETWEEN 6196 AND 6196 ]
2022.10.15-07:48:50 zOWc [ AND 4003 BETWEEN 9651 AND 9651 ]
2022.10.15-07:48:39 zOWc [ ) AND 6196=6196 AND (5310 BETWEEN 5310 AND 5310 ]
2022.10.15-07:48:25 zOWc [ ) AND 8969=7568 AND (6637 BETWEEN 6637 AND 6637 ]
2022.10.15-07:48:15 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:48:04 zOWc [ )(")'%2c...) ]
2022.10.15-07:47:54 zOWc [ 4882 ]
2022.10.15-07:47:43 (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4223=4223) THEN 'zOWc' ELSE (SELECT 3689 UNION SELECT 8147) END)) [ ]
2022.10.15-07:47:30 (SELECT (CASE WHEN (4762=7382) THEN 'zOWc' ELSE (SELECT 7382 UNION SELECT 1883) END)) [ ]
2022.10.15-07:47:19 zOWc AND 6660 BETWEEN 6660 AND 6660-- JlZW [ ]
2022.10.15-07:47:07 zOWc AND 2817 BETWEEN 4270 AND 4270-- wgvu [ ]
2022.10.15-07:46:56 zOWc AND 6660 BETWEEN 6660 AND 6660 [ ]
2022.10.15-07:46:42 zOWc AND 3127 BETWEEN 2856 AND 2856 [ ]
2022.10.15-07:46:30 zOWc) AND 6660=6660 AND (3663 BETWEEN 3663 AND 3663 [ ]
2022.10.15-07:46:18 zOWc) AND 2420=1884 AND (6945 BETWEEN 6945 AND 6945 [ ]
2022.10.15-07:46:07 zOWc' AND 6660=6660 AND 'trEs'='trEs [ ]
2022.10.15-07:45:53 zOWc' AND 6219=2051 AND 'GrVI'='GrVI [ ]
2022.10.15-07:45:41 zOWc') AND 6660=6660 AND ('fkmG'='fkmG [ ]
2022.10.15-07:45:28 zOWc') AND 6604=8900 AND ('EFvE'='EFvE [ ]
2022.10.15-07:45:18 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:45:07 zOWc.%2c%2c%2c%2c))."' [ ]
2022.10.15-07:44:56 1501 [ ]
2022.10.15-07:44:44 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:44:29 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:44:18 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:44:04 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:43:53 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:43:39 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:43:25 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:43:08 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-07:42:55 zOWc [ ]
2022.10.15-05:46:37 kWSa [ ]
2022.10.15-05:46:19 kWSa [ ]
2022.10.15-05:45:27 kWSa [ 'UmFtLNdAJHWT ]
2022.10.15-05:45:06 kWSa [ ('%2c"%2c).(.%2c ]
2022.10.15-05:44:14 kWSa'YaoGYIthXSjz [ ]
2022.10.15-05:43:55 kWSa))(")(%2c'%2c%2c [ ]
2022.10.15-05:43:37 kWSa [ ]
2022.10.13-07:44:24 oUXB [ ]
2022.10.13-07:44:07 oUXB [ ]
2022.10.13-07:43:52 oUXB [ ]
2022.10.13-07:43:35 oUXB [ ]
2022.10.13-07:43:18 oUXB [ ]
2022.10.13-07:42:29 oUXB [ ]
2022.10.13-07:42:11 oUXB [ ]
2022.10.13-07:41:54 oUXB [ ORDER BY 1-- Yrya ]
2022.10.13-07:41:37 oUXB [ ' ORDER BY 1-- XAMr ]
2022.10.13-07:41:19 oUXB [ ') ORDER BY 1-- wXKv ]
2022.10.13-07:41:02 oUXB [ ORDER BY 1-- dUsF ]
2022.10.13-07:40:45 oUXB [ ) ORDER BY 1-- wMuP ]
2022.10.13-07:39:55 oUXB [ 'TjfpXvMzfuIP ]
2022.10.13-07:39:39 oUXB [ %2c".(((').( ]
2022.10.13-07:39:14 oUXB ORDER BY 1-- zgwP [ ]
2022.10.13-07:38:49 oUXB ORDER BY 1-- Sntu [ ]
2022.10.13-07:38:24 oUXB) ORDER BY 1-- XChE [ ]
2022.10.13-07:37:58 oUXB' ORDER BY 1-- QMnD [ ]
2022.10.13-07:37:33 oUXB') ORDER BY 1-- GzbE [ ]
2022.10.13-07:36:34 oUXB'kYNAdCFXJLKz [ ]
2022.10.13-07:36:10 oUXB%2c.%2c"%2c(..'( [ ]
2022.10.13-07:35:40 oUXB [ ]
2022.10.13-07:35:16 oUXB [ ]
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2020.08.15-14:24:01 [ ]
2020.08.15-14:24:00 [ ORDER BY 100 ]
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2020.08.15-14:23:58 [ ]
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